It is convenient to add sizes
between elements with a single click.

Hanai Akihiro


How to use Figma’s “Redlines” plug-in|Let’s describe the size of objects, etc.

Post:2024.03.19 / Rewrite : 2024.03.19



In Figma, selecting an element while holding down "option" displays the distance between the elements.
Still, it is easy to share rules among designers by daring to describe locations or components that require special attention.


Movie|How to use Figma’s “Redlines” plug-in

How to use Figma’s “Redlines” plug-in


1. Search for and execute “Redlines” from Resources.

2. Select an element and click the “Measuring Lines” button to add size and lines to the position indicated on the icon (multiple elements can be selected and added in one batch).

3. Display of size. You can also set the size and lines to be drawn under the icon.

Color: Color of text and lines.
Space Between Items: Width between elements.
Dimensions: Display of dimensions.
Font Size: Font size.
Measurement Units: Add units to the size.
Unit Value: Set the unit to be added.
Outlines: In the “Outlines” tab, you can add rectangles in light red color (color can be customized).

Outlines” tab.
Color: The color of the lines and fill.
Opacity: The transparency of the fill.

You can also set the background of the fill, and enclose the text display area with a dotted line.


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