There are several plug-ins that allow you to find icons.
Iconify is one of the best known plug-ins.

Hanai Akihiro


How to use Figma’s “Iconify” plug-in|Insert free icons into your design.

Post:2024.03.18 / Rewrite : 2024.03.18



The "Iconify" plugin makes it easy to insert free icons.


Watch the video on how to use Figma’s “Iconify” plugin.

How to use Figma’s “Iconify” plug-in


1. Search for “Iconify” from Plugins in Resource and launch it.
2. Type the icon you want to find in the search bar and click “Search Icons.
Specify the color and size, and click “import icon.

The icon will be inserted as a vector image, so it is possible to change the fill.

By the way, if you already know which icons you want to insert, you can add multiple icons to the design by pressing “Command ⌘ + Shift + K”.


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