Once connected, moving the frame is
The arrows are conveniently tracked even if the frame is moved.

Hanai Akihiro


How to use Figma’s “auto flow” plug-in|Let’s draw a screen transition diagram.

Post:2024.03.25 / Rewrite : 2024.03.25



Autoflow is a plug-in that allows you to easily connect shapes and frames with arrows.


Movie|How to use Figma’s “auto flow” plug-in

Movie|How to use Figma’s “auto flow” plug-in

Launch Autoflow. Display the “Autoflow” panel and set the color and thickness of the lines, as well as the start and end positions.

With this panel displayed, select a frame at the start position, then select a frame at the end position while holding down the “shift” button.

The line will then be automatically drawn at the timing of the selection.


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