With the Insert Big Image plugin
Insert Big Image plugin allows you to place large images without restrictions.

Hanai Akihiro


How to use Figma’s “Insert Big Image” plug-in|Insert a large image into your design.

Post:2024.03.18 / Rewrite : 2024.03.19



It is useful to be able to place an overall image of the site, for example when tracing a design, but figma has a limit on the size of the image that can be loaded.


With Video|How to use Figma’s “Insert Big Image” plug-in

How to use Figma’s “Insert Big Image” plug-in


1. Search for “Insert Big Image” in the Resource Tools.
2. Once the plug-in is activated, drag and drop the file you wish to import into the plug-in dialog.

Incidentally, if you are concerned about heavy file size or file loading speed, we recommend using “Downsize,” which allows you to compress and resize images on Figma.

3. Select an image, search for a plug-in, click “DownSize,” execute “Downsize,” and you are done.


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